What does “Wolfing” Your Hair Mean?
Wolfing is a widely spread hair strategy amongst “360 wavers” or “the wave community” than can be used to lay down the hair while also growing the hair out. This strategy can be used by coarse textured hair and medium textured hair individuals. Also, a few straight hair textured individuals can use this method also. In order to “wolf” your hair, this will consist of a few things.
- A regularly scheduled haircut (make sure to keep track of how many days/weeks in between your haircut you wait until the next haircut).
- The time in which how much time you wait to receive the next haircut after the previous (this will explain the first bullet point better)
- A good brushing schedule
To start wolfing you must have been or are keeping track of the time-span you get your haircut. Wether it is every week (weekly) or every two weeks (Bi-weekly) or every 3 weeks. If you are unsure of the consistency rate you get your hair cut at, just go get a haircut and after two weeks get another haircut (to train your hair for progress every two weeks). After your second haircut, the next time you get a haircut wait 2 weeks but do not go and get a haircut this time because the day you would go get a haircut is a preparation for your wolf. Now, wait two more weeks from the day you would get a haircut and that is your first day wolfing.
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*a thumbnail photo from “Kiso TV” explaining what wolfing looks like*